Fred Powell built a business niche after taking over Powell's Electric. He was recognized at a recent Hatboro Borough Council meeting.
Dino Ciliberti, Patch Staff
HATBORO, PA —Fred Powell has carved out a niche for a business his father started in 1922.
Nearing his 103rd birthday, Powell was presented with a proclamation by Mayor Tim Schultz for his "longstanding business and contributions" to the community at the recent Hatboro Borough Council meeting.
"I, Mayor Tim Schultz, do hereby congratulate Mr. Fred Powell on his upcoming 103rd birthday and Powell’s Electric Service on their positive impact on Hatboro and our neighboring communities. The Borough of Hatboro is extremely grateful for all their hard work in making Hatboro a better place to live, work, and play for generations to come," the mayor said in reading the proclamation.
Powell's father and great-uncle opened their first store on Byberry Road in 1922 called Powell’s Electric Shop, which sold electric appliances and also offered electrical upgrade services for customers’ homes to accommodate these new appliances.
After Powell's honorable discharge from the U.S. Army, he joined the family business and took the reigns in the 1950s, working alongside his father before eventually purchasing the business and expanding it further.
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His dedication to Powell’s Electric Shop laid the foundation for the company’s success.
In 1990, after nearly 40 years of leadership, he passed the torch to his son, Doug, who changed the business name to Powell’s Electric Service.
As a trusted family-owned business, the Powell family has created a lasting legacy in Hatboro and the surrounding communities.
Powell’s are full-service electrical contractors, and they handle everything from small residential repairs to large commercial installations.
After installation, Powell’s assists their customers in maintaining everything they install. Powell’s is large enough to handle big jobs, but not too big to lose the family-owned “personal touch” with all the services they provide.
Powell’s prides themselves on a job well done, performing work in a timely manner, and most importantly ensuring customer satisfaction. These core values have remained Powell’s top priority for decades.
Powell said a few words to the audience. He also received a gift basket from the borough, presented by Council Vice President Nicole Reichner.
(Dino Ciliberti/Patch)