Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Susan Sterikoff
Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Shannon Bock
Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Shannon Bock
Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Shannon Bock
Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Shannon Bock
Truck fire burns side of home in Kenvil section of RoxburyPhoto Credit: Susan Sterikoff
By TAPinto Roxbury
Published August 25, 2024 at 9:31 PM
Last updated August 25, 2024 at 9:31 PM
ROXBURY, NJ - A pickup truck parked in a driveway in Kenvil caught fire Sunday, leaving the side of a century-old duplex charred but causing no injuries, said witnesses and officials.
The incident took place at about 2 p.m. at a home on Chase Drive in the historic Hercules Park section of Kenvil.
"It was a pickup truck on fire next to the house that extended to the side of the house," said Roxbury Fire Chief Chris Skomial. "The Roxbury Fire Department quickly extinguished the fire before it extended inside the structure."
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Skomial said no residents were displaced.
The flames and heat burned off the siding of the home, one of many in the neighborhood near Lincoln-Roosevelt School that were built shortly after the turn of the 20th century by the Kenvil-based Hercules explosives company as employee housing.
Neighborhood resident Susan Sterikoff said she was among the first to call 911. "They are a nice family," she said. "People from the community are offering assistance."
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