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What Is Respite Care, And Why Might You Need It?

What Is Respite Care, And Why Might You Need It?

Learn everything you need to know about respite care in California, including why you might need it, where you can find it, and when it’s useful.

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care is temporary care. It involves caring for the elderly or disabled on a non-permanent basis. At Always Best Care of Newport Beach, we employ bonded, insured, and skills-tested caregivers. They work in the private homes of their clients across Orange County, providing care services. They help their clients with physical tasks, mental health issues, and with practical activities, including running errands and housekeeping.

Our staff comprises career caregivers. However, many Californians provide these services for free. They care for their parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors, or friends. They do so not for a paycheck, but out of love and loyalty. It’s not always possible to provide this care yourself, though. That’s when respite care becomes necessary.

When Do You Need Respite Care?

Respite care is called respite care because it provides a family caregiver with a break. Caregiving is hard work and sometimes you need to take a pause. For many family caregivers, this takes the form of a vacation. While you’re camping in Yosemite or lounging in Cabo San Lucas, we can provide your loved one with the care they require. But you don’t need to leave Orange County to justify taking a break. If you just want to take a staycation and relax on the beach, we can help with this, too.

Or maybe you’re busy with other matters. You might have a work trip or a conference on which you must focus. Or perhaps you’re studying for an exam. You might have a health situation. For example, you can’t really care for your elderly parent if your spouse, child, or you yourself are sick. In any of these situations, we at Always Best Care of Newport Beach can step in and help.

Respite Care From Always Best Care Of Newport Beach

You can contact us to arrange for respite care. Make us one of your first calls after you book a holiday. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to arrange a schedule with us and instruct us on the best way to care for your loved one.

But it’s not always possible to plan far ahead. What if you have an emergency or a sudden urgent matter? Don’t worry, we can still help! We can step in at a moment’s notice, allowing you to focus on whatever you need to without worrying about your loved one.

Always Best Care Of Newport Beach For A Free Consultation.

To learn more about respite care in Orange County, please contact us via our website or call us at (714) 443-0070.

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