Taxes, sale of Aquarion, Transit-Oriented Community Bill, Kind Works Mural, St. Thomas' Formal Dress Exchange and more Bethel news…
Patch Staff
**Jan. 31 Update From Bethel First Selectman Carter**
Jan. 31, 2025
Dear Bethel,
Tax Fact: of the residents who have paid taxes online in January, over 55% used our E-Check option with a $.95 flat fee for a withdraw from a checking account. This can be a substantial savings over the 2.99% fee for credit and debit cards. Remember Monday, February 3rd is the last day to pay current property taxes due without incurring interest. Note that the Phase 2 Sewer assessments, also due Feb 3, cannot be paid online due to an issue with our new billing vendor, so don’t forget the yellow drop box in front of Town Hall if you can’t pay in person on Monday.
Wells Fargo
Unfortunately, the town’s efforts to acquire Wells Fargo has come up short. While we had set aside $1.6 million for the purchase and remediation, the town made offers more consistent with the value of the property and cost of upgrades. There is an offer on the property and we expect the closing very soon. We are in contact with the owner-to-be and are discussing opportunities to share parking. Stay tuned.
Sale of Aquarion
Aquarion Water Company, the owner of the water system in Stony Hill, has been sold by Eversource to the Regional Water Authority. Once the transaction receives required regulatory approvals, including approval from the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the Aquarion Water Authority will be formed. The authority will create a policy board which will include appointed representatives from each town in the district, including Bethel, and will have broad powers granted by its own charter to operate and set rates. The deal is expected to close late this year.
Transit-Oriented Community Bill
The Transit-Oriented Community Bill is back (HB 6831) and has a public hearing this Monday, February 3rd at 10:30 am. The legislation will encourage Bethel to adopt state approved zoning regulations in return for priority when competing for certain grants. Regulations must comply with state guidelines concerning parking, lot size, lot coverage, setbacks, floor area ratio, height restrictions, inclusionary zoning requirements, and anything else adopted by the state. Bethel may apply for exemptions. The state or their designee will consult with zoning commissions and determine the size of our transit-oriented district (TOD), with the state having the final determination.
Public Hearings in Hartford
If you are interested in watching a public hearing in Hartford or testifying on a bill, keep an eye out on the General Assembly calendar for hearings at Click on the public hearing and you will have access to the agenda with links to register to speak in person, submit testimony, or watch on YouTube. If you are interested in learning more about tracking bills in Hartford, or how bills might affect Bethel, email [email protected].
2025 2026 Budget Dates
2025-2026 Budget Schedule updated: The Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance will hold joint meetings on February 11th, 18th, & 25th at 7 pm in the Town Hall meeting room A where they will hear budget requests from town departments and the Board of Education. The Board of Selectmen will deliberate on February 27th at 3 pm in meeting room A and the Selectmen’s budget will be presented to the Board of Finance in March.
Kind Works Mural
As part of our efforts to improve customer service in Town Hall last month, we had a fantastic presentation from Kind Works on the value of kindness. We now have an opportunity to work with Kind Works on the creation of a mural. If you would like to volunteer to help create the mural and we are looking to have tiles made by February 15th. If you are interested in helping out, please call 203-616-5591.
Connect 4 Success
If you are interested in a networking opportunity, check out the Bethel Chamber of Commerce’s “Connect 4 Success Networking.” Two Tuesdays each month at 8:30 am, local chamber members get together to network at Daily Fare, For Pete Sake Deli, or Uncle Leo’s. Check out the dates and locations at
Dress Exchange
If you have formal dresses or fancy clothes and accessories that you could donate, please don’t forget the St. Thomas’ Formal Dress Exchange drop off next Wednesday, February 5th from 10 am to 7 pm at 95 Greenwood Ave. The Dress Exchange event takes place on Saturday, February 8th from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday, February 9th from 11 am to 4 pm and is open to anyone needing formal attire, regardless of ability to donate. For information email [email protected] or call 203-770-3525.
A Shoutout to State Reps Mary Foncello and Raghib Allie-Brennan for attending the Bethel Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast! We really appreciate that you made the time during a busy session.
Congrats to Susan Pople who was recognized last week for her 20 years of service and dedication to the Bethel Community Food Pantry all of our neighbors it serves! And thanks to Bryce and the team at Homecare Providers of Connecticut’s for recognizing worthy volunteers during their 25 Days of Kindness!
Good Luck to the Bethel Winterguard in their MAC competition tomorrow, February 1st at Masuk High School in Monroe! The team could still use some support to get to Dayton, OH for the championship in April! Visit to contribute.
Congrats to our BHS Athletes of the week Breanna Steen with an average of 12.5 points per game against Masuk and Brookfield, and Brody Kasack for 35 points against Abbot Tech. Both Breanna and Brody helped lead their JV Basketball teams to victory!
Have a great weekend,Dan