Project No.: 0662-6R4128Federal No.: HSIPL-5928(140)
Project Overview
Contra Costa County Public Works Department (CCCPWD) in collaboration with Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will construct safety improvements for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic along Danville Blvd between Jackson Way and Stone Valley Road.
The project goal is to incorporate complete streets improvements along this corridor by improving sidewalks, bicycle facilities and providing curb extensions and curb ramps along this segment of Danville Blvd.
The project will also improve pedestrian crossings by shortening the overall length of the crosswalks and provide pedestrian refuge areas in the road medians.
A concrete and landscaped roundabout will be constructed at the Orchard Court intersection to reduce vehicle speeds and conflicts while maintaining movement of traffic through the intersection. The project will also include drainage improvements, utility relocations, landscaping improvements, new streetlights and electrical work. Staging of traffic will be required to maintain access to public roads and private driveways during the construction of the project.
For information on how to use a roundabout see "Rules of the Roundabout". Video courtesy of the Federal Highway Administration USDOTFHWA.
Project Schedule
Contra Costa County Public Works Department awarded the construction contract to Ghilotti Bros., Inc. and work on site began in early February 2023.
Construction Traffic Impacts
A minimum of one traffic lane in each direction will be kept open to the extent possible. Construction work will take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, with restrictions to minimize impacts during commute hours, weather permitting.
Please note this schedule is subject to change. During construction, every effort will be made to reduce the impact of construction activities on local residents and businesses. We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience as a result of the construction.
Phase 1A will construct curb ramp and driveway on west side Danville Blvd at Jackson Way.-Complete
Phase 1B will construct sidewalks, curb ramps, paved entrances, driveways and west half of the roundabout in front of the Alamo Plaza Shopping center. -Complete
Phase 2 will include construction of the remainder of the roundabout and the medians (splitter islands) along Danville Blvd - Complete
Phase 3 will complete all easterly sidewalk, curbs, and driveways and final pavement on Orchard Court and Final Surface Treatment within the project limits. –Complete.
Driving through the Roundabout