For years, Oak Island town officials and residents have been talking about the development of a 3,196-acre tract within the town’s limits.
Known as the “Williamson Tract,” a planned unit development was originally approved for the land in 2009, which included 7,200 housing units, along with areas of commercial and multi-family housing. A new rezoning and phased development plan was approved in 2022, which kept the same number of units, but re-aligned uses, making the commercial area more accessible to island residents.
It seemed the tract was going to move forward with development in 2022 when developers sought a permit to fill some wetlands on the tract, drawing concern from residents in Oak Island and St. James.
Recently, some residents have expressed concerns about the possibility of the tract being de-annexed and developed. Here’s what to know about the tract’s status and de-annexation.
Plans to develop the tract have halted for now.
In a May, Oak Island Mayor Liz White told the StarNews that development has stalled on the project due to the national financial picture. However, she noted the tract would eventually sell and be developed at some point in the future.
More on the Williamson Tract:Two Brunswick towns want more say over land that could see chain restaurants, retail
Currently, the status of the tract is the same.
On October 2, the town’s public information officer Mike Emory said town staff “has not been made aware of any changes in ownership or development progress.”
The tract is located within the town’s corporate limits.
Recently, residents have expressed concerns about a letter supporting Senate Bill 675, which sought to eliminate extraterritorial jurisdictions in two North Carolina counties. The board voted to send the letter with an amendment requesting an investigation into the consequences of such action and its financial impact on the towns.
But elimination of Oak Island’s ETJ would have no impact on the Williamson Tract. Emory confirmed it is located within the town’s corporate limits, not its ETJ.
A look at growth in two towns:A tale of two towns: Oak Island and St. James mark 25 years of growth, look to the future
Residents are concerned about de-annexation.
According to the UNC School Government’s Coates’ Canons blog, “the only way property can be removed from a city is by a local act of the General Assembly.” In the blog, Frayda Bluestein, faculty emeritus at the UNC School of Government and an expert on municipal annexation, writes “there are no statutory procedures or requirements for de-annexation,” and “the process for obtaining a local act is essentially a political one.”
She goes to explain that those seeking the legislation must contact their local legislators and ask them to introduce the bill.
On Oct. 2, Emory said the town is “not aware of any request by the owner, nor does Town Council have any request planned to the General Assembly for de-annexation.”
Rep. Charlie Miller (R-Brunswick) also said he was not aware of any attempt to de-annex the property, and he explained that request would have to come from the property owner.