Updated: Jan. 14, 2025 at 5:48 PM PST
HARLETON, Texas (KLTV) - Many East Texans have been affected by the California fires and want to help in some way. Thanks to efforts of one man, they can, as he organizes his nonprofit to take a trailer full of immediate need items to be distributed to fire victims.
Patrick Johnson, founder of the nonprofit J-S.T.A.R. Ministries, which stands for Johnson’s Success Through Attitude and Respect, sometimes seems like an unstoppable force. He sees a need and if he can drive there, he helps.
“I’m excited about going and, you know, obviously not excited about what happened. It’s such a tragic thing. But I’m looking forward to going and serving the people,” Johnson said.
A small warehouse on his property near Harleton is stocked with many items, but he’ll need more.
“I’m just grateful for the support of the community and different businesses and individuals, churches, who help to make this possible,” Johnson said.
Johnson said his trailer, packed full of supplies, is another invaluable tool in making these trips happen, having been towed tens of thousands of miles all over the country.
“Toilet paper, paper towels, canned goods, gloves, blankets,” Johnson said.
The loaded items can be used immediately.
“Personal hygiene products for men and women,” Johnson said.
He’s found it’s best to deliver to those who can help with distribution, citing this trailers destination to be the Spirit Life Church in Simi Valley California and the L.A. Dream Center.
Some of the businesses and individuals donating to J-S.T.A.R. have been helping Patrick to help others for over two decades.
“People here in Harleton, Marshall, Longview, some from even as far away as Florida,” Johnson said.
He knows there’s a big fuel expense and there could be breakdowns along the way, but he has backup from donations.
“I’m honestly prepared for all that. Very grateful for our donors and everybody who helps to make it possible,” Johnson said.
His trailer is a little over half full, and he’s included backpacks and school supplies for the kids. But after a few more donor stops, he believes he’ll have a full load before heading west Wednesday morning.
Johnson plans on being back in East Texas by Sunday. If he makes another trip, he said he will post it on his Facebook page.
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