While the choice may not have been one that Rio Vista Councilmembers wanted to have to make, City Manager Kristina Miller made the council’s options abundantly clear regarding controversial development firm California Forever moving forward.
“I am asking if we should have a seat at the table so that, for lack of a better word, we are not on the menu,” she said during Tuesday’s council meeting, where the elected city leaders ultimately voted 5-0 to negotiate with California Forever regarding annexation.
California Forever, Solano County’s largest landowner, owns 500 acres of property already included in Rio Vista’s City limits, and has previously expressed a willingness to invest in and revitalize the small Sacramento Delta community. The firm pulled a ballot initiative last year that would have seen them build a medium density, walkable community on unincorporated land at the intersection of Highways 12 and 113 with an eventual population of 400,000 or more.
Miller said the agenda item was largely spurred by interest in California Forever from other cities in the county, including annexation interest from Suisun City and economic interest from Fairfield. Miller expressed skepticism about the firm and its potential impacts on the community, but warned that development around the city is inevitable, and participating in the process could at least see Rio Vista helping to shape the outcome.
“Staff do not like the idea of California Forever circumventing the Solano County Orderly Growth Committee,” Miller said.
Mayor Edwin Okamura framed the issue the same way as Miller, noting that the city can be either “at the table” or “on the menu.” He noted Governor Gavin Newsom’s acknowledgement that the state is about 3.2 million homes deep in a housing crisis.
“I have always been very consistent about prioritizing infill in Rio Vista before prioritizing large scale annexation projects,” Okamura said.
Councilmember Rick Dolk said he acknowledges the city is less vibrant than it once was and needs to grow, but doesn’t find California Forever “workable.” Still, because California Forever is a billion-dollar landowner with multiple cash-strapped communities in its crosshairs, the city needs to negotiate to even be able to take a “defensive” posture.
“I don’t encourage much of what they’re saying because I think it’s too much, too quick,” he said.
Councilmember Lisa Duke agreed, noting that Suisun City’s interest in annexation increased the need to negotiate soon.
“Sitting on our hands, for lack of a better word, and hoping that California Forever goes away would be unrealistic,” Duke said.
Councilmember Walt Stanish said there are positives and negatives in the situation with California Forever, whose ballot initiative he opposed one year ago this month. Now with no set plans to take the issue back to the voters, he said, the city needs to represent itself in discussions.
“To be a realist, I think we need to be at the table,” Stanish said.
Vice Mayor Sarah Donnelly said her kids are not returning to the community because of what it lacks. She said she believes the city needs to work with California Forever, as a rising tide lifts all boats.
Donnelly said the city needs to look into the company’s investors, who she believes may have anti-democratic philosophies and be connected with the network state project.
Miller said the potential benefits and drawbacks of the project are considerable, as the company’s ambitions are large and its landholdings in the area are vast. Rio Vista and Suisun City struggle to keep up in the Solano County economy as attracting employers is more difficult for the smaller communities.
Rio Vista and Suisun City also generate less property tax than other Solano County cities, she said.
“They suffer through and struggle with a lot of the same issues we do in Rio Vista,” Miller said of Suisun City.
More intensive zoning uses, a reduction in small town character, air quality, noise, aesthetic, water use and population impacts are all possible, Miller said. However, the project could bring development agreement upsides, she said, as well as property tax and sales tax increases, and many or all of those downsides may be inevitable whether Rio Vista negotiates or not.
Miller said she is uncertain from a fiscal standpoint how much makes sense to annex at this time, and she was thus not asking the council to annex yet. If the city chooses to annex any portion of California Forever’s property, there will be much more room for public comment through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) process.
The vast majority of public commenters spoke in favor of negotiating with California Forever, particularly of those who attended the meeting in person rather than on Zoom.
Executive Chairman of The Dutra Group Bill Dutra said his company would potentially be willing to move its headquarters back to Rio Vista from its current location in San Rafael if the community can fix issues related to housing, schools and other concerns. Dutra spoke in favor of negotiating with California Forever, as his company would need about 160 homes in the area to consider a move back. Dutra grew up in Rio Vista and said he believes the town’s community is rich.
“We feel that this river town has great potential,” Dutra said. “We believe in the great water access.”
Cora De La Rosa said she is a retired nurse who moved to the community in 2018. She called for advancement through a partnership with California Forever because she would like to see more jobs, particularly in the healthcare sector. Brian Spradling, owner of Spradling Construction and Hap’s Taps, as well as President of the Rio Vista Downtown Association, spoke strongly in favor of negotiating with the organization. Spradling said his business has had to reach outside the community just to sustain itself, and despite hearing for years that something would be done to energize the waterfront, it still hasn’t happened.
“My daughter is 28 years old.” he said. “She’s never seen anything in her life that had been to that complexity to revitalize our downtown.”
Jeannie McCormack and Al Medvitz, who own a ranch outside Rio Vista, said the city should not negotiate with California Forever. The duo are neighbors of ranchers who settled lawsuits with California Forever over alleged price fixing.
“I am just staggered by this that we are sitting here taking this seriously,” McCormack said.