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Aging Gracefully and Making the Most of Your Golden Years

Aging Gracefully and Making the Most of Your Golden Years

After spending your life working and taking care of others, it’s important to take care of yourself as well. You want to be able to continue doing the things you enjoy for as long as possible and maintain good health. There are a variety of steps you can take and changes you can make to support healthy aging and improve your quality of life.

  • Stay Active

Physical activity is essential at any age. It supports weight management, strengthens bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances balance and mobility. You don’t necessarily have to hit the gym to stay fit, though using free weights and equipment can be beneficial. Sign up for a senior fitness class, walk or bike around the neighborhood, practice yoga or Pilates, go swimming, or enjoy a rousing game of tennis. Try new activities and find things you enjoy to keep you active.

  • Eat a Healthy Diet

As you age, your dietary needs change. You may need to eat more fiber or cut back on your sodium. Create a well-balanced diet that incorporates lean proteins, low-fat dairy, whole grains, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Add a punch of flavor by experimenting with different herbs and spices rather than using salt or butter.

  • Exercise Your Brain

Keeping your brain sharp is part of healthy aging too. Spend time reading each day or doing puzzles like crosswords or Sudoku. Challenge yourself to learn new skills or hobbies. Even playing video games (and board games!) with the grandkids can work different parts of your brain and make you think and problem solve.

  • Get Quality Sleep

Recovering or catching up from lost sleep can be difficult, so make it a point to try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Keeping your room cool and dark can create a more ideal environment for rest. Pay attention to medications you take and how they may affect your ability to fall or stay asleep. Working out during the day can help you burn off excess energy and feel more tired at night.

  • Find a Sense of Purpose

Give yourself something to look forward to, whether that is volunteering in the community, attending a weekly book club, or learning to play the piano. This can help boost your mood and keep you more engaged, which is great for your mental health.

  • Socialize with Others

This is especially important if you live alone. Unfortunately, isolation and loneliness can contribute to depression. Make plans to have lunch with friends once a week or meet to go walking in the park. Sign up for activities or volunteer opportunities where you can connect with others while doing things you enjoy. Stay in touch with family and friends in person, over the phone, or through video calling. Surrounding yourself with people who make you happy can be very energizing.

  • Manage Your Health

Finally, ensure you’re keeping up with doctor appointments and screenings so you can stay on top of your health. Speak up if you have concerns and seek out support groups if you’re dealing with chronic or life-altering conditions.

Partnering with an in-home care provider can help you navigate aging with more confidence. A caregiver can support you with a wide range of activities of daily living, provide welcome companionship, and empower you to continue living your best life. Contact Always Best Care at (832) 460-2000 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how in-home care can benefit you as you age.

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