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The importance of routine senior home care for Alzheimer’s patients

The importance of routine senior home care for Alzheimer’s patients

An Alzheimer’s diagnoses can quickly create a shift in your family dynamics. Day-to-day life, physical needs and behavior patterns will alter over time.

Seeking support, such as senior home care, will help to establish an all-important routine that will ultimately benefit all parties, but particularly your loved one with Alzheimer’s.

In-home Caregiver in Chapel-hill

Alzheimer’s senior home care

Creating and sticking to a routine will promote security and well being. Alzheimer’s senior home care, with the support of Always Best Care, will continuously evolve as the disease progresses.

Important questions to ask when preparing for Alzheimer’s care include:

  • Who will make the decisions for the Alzheimer’s sufferer when they’re no longer able to do so?
  • Where will your loved one live?
  • How will caregiving be managed as their needs grow?

Day-to-day senior home care

Your loved one will greatly benefit from even the most basic routine such as:

  • Waking, eating, and dressing at the same time each day
  • Establish cues to identify times of day, such as drawing the curtains in the morning
  • Use your judgment to decide which daily tasks are still within their grasp, and which are no longer viable

To learn more, schedule an initial, no-obligation consultation with an Always Best Care caregiver today.

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