The Sussex County town of Milton will hold an election Saturday.
Residents will vote for a mayor and two Town Council members, with winners serving a three-year term. Candidates for mayor include incumbent John Collier and current Vice-Mayor Lee Revis-Plank. Candidates for the Town Council include incumbent Tom Arkinson, Robert Gray and Alan Pongratz.
Miltonians can vote at the Milton Fire Department between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Here are the candidate profiles, drawn from a provided questionnaire. Responses have been edited for style.
John Collier
Age: 71
What qualifies you for this position?
What are the top three issues in your town and how do you propose to handle them?
Lee Revis-Plank
Age: 76
What qualifies you for this position?
In addition to the four years I’ve served on Milton Town Council (two of which were as vice mayor) and four years on the Town’s Historic Preservation Commission, I’ve served on the Board of Delaware Preservation, on the Board and as interim executive director for the Milton Historical Society. I served for 47 years in two Fortune 100 companies (DuPont and Bank of America), where I retired as a vice president. I have demonstrated the skills required for a mayor, for example, project management, listening, communicating, collaborating, technical knowledge, financial budgeting/forecasting.
My undergrad degree is in psychology and my master's degree is in leadership. … I spent many years in various leadership positions. This is another leadership position. I’m ready and equipped to succeed!
What are the top three issues in your town and how do you propose to handle them?
I’m confident that my knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences have prepared me to perform the work required of the town mayor, and I look forward to making progress along these lines over the next three years!
Tom Arkinson
Age: 74
What qualifies you for this position?
I have decided to run to continue serving in the council position that I currently hold. I have served for 1½ years ... and if re-elected I will hit the ground running from the moment I am sworn in. I realize in my time on the council, that with my previous experiences as a teacher and my work with various non-profit community organizations, I do bring to the table the skills along with an objective and reasonable point of view to get the job done. I don’t have an axe to grind or an agenda to push, just the desire to do what is best for Milton and its people.
What are the top three issues in your town and how do you propose to handle them?
Alan Pongratz
Age: 63
What qualifies you for this position?
Prior to relocating to Milton, I resided in the Town of Greenwood for 30 years, where I served as the water and sewer commissioner for 12 years. My role was working and providing guidance to many infrastructure projects throughout the town, as well as serving with fellow council members to address constituents’ concerns. My wife Jennifer and I have been residents of Cannery Village for 14 years, and I am currently serving my second term on our HOA board and am a board member of the Milton Historical Society.
What are the top three issues in your town and how do you propose to handle them?
Age: 72
What qualifies you for this position?
My extensive work in community planning and budgeting has given me the experience that qualifies me for this position. As an assistant attorney general for the State of Maryland, I gained a wide breadth of knowledge and experience in governmental affairs and transportation issues. This has been through my work with various boards of county commissioners, planning commissions and boards of appeals. I served on the Calvert County Board of Education for 12 years, four of which I was president, and managed a budget in excess of $150,000,000, which I believe gives me the necessary background to work with Milton’s budget. I served as chair of my then-hometown of Chesapeake Beach's planning commission working to redraft its comprehensive plan. Finally, since moving to Milton, I have been active with the current town council by serving on Milton’s board of adjustments and workplace affordable housing committee. On a personal level and Milton resident, I am currently the president of my HOA, the Chestnut Crossing Owner’ Association
What are the top three issues in your town and how do you propose to handle them?
1. Fiscal stability: As the budgetary documents relied upon by the town for its 2025 budget indicate, the town has a “structural deficit.'' This means that unless something changes, the town will experience a deficit which will only get larger as time progresses. Unless the town either increases income or decreases its spending, the town’s reserve funds will be fully expended by fiscal year 2027. Residential development does not pay for itself, therefore relying on an increased tax base of residential development does not resolve this problem. In order to increase the revenue of the town, clean commercial development must increase while maintaining the historical nature of the town. This can occur in the town center area of the town provided that any commercial development there honors the architectural nature of the town Center. It can occur along the Route 16 corridor if planned well, or it can occur in any area that may be annexed into the town by requiring the annexed area to include a commercial office park.
2. Comprehensive plan: The current comprehensive plan was redrafted in 2018 with some minor revisions in 2023. The next major redrafting of the comprehensive plan must occur by 2028. The length of time to rewrite the 2028 plan takes two to three years, so that process will begin shortly. The comprehensive plan must be based on the input of the residents of the town as to what their vision of the town will be in the next 10 to 15 years. The input to achieve this vision takes more than a general survey of the opinions of the residents. There must be an active reach out to the community in the form of focus groups and dialogue with the residents in the town as to what the residents, businesses, interest groups and communities so as to get as much input as possible to form the basis of the new plan.
3. Transparency: As I have campaigned, I was constantly questioned as to what was happening with the town government and what the rational was for the many actions by the town. The residents with whom I have spoken stated that they feel that they have not been heard and that their opinions have not been honored. There needs to be complete transparency of all of the actions by the town government so that the residents of the town feel informed and that the residents have had an input into both the policy decisions of the town and implementation of those policies. Active involvement of the town residents must be encouraged in all town meetings, including all council and committee meetings. Notice of these meetings must be made widely published and participation must be encouraged.