Please spread the word, and help to locate any survivors or family members of WW II veterans who are listed on the large bronze plaque that was rescued from a scrapyard destiny when it was discovered in a garage in South Holland. The plaque is a relic that was minted by the Roseland SFBI (Societa Filarmonica Bella Italia) to honor members and their sons who had served in World War II. Pullman resident Tom Shepherd has the plaque in his possession following its discovery by him and former Roselander Dan Bovino when they were helping to clean out a garage that belonged to Ron Johndrone, who had passed away. Ron had been the last known officer of the defunct club that once was in Roseland, and had been storing the item in his garage for years.
"We want to extend a "special invitation" to our vets and their families for when the plaque will be presented to the Italian American Veterans Museum on October 30," said CJ Martello, Pullman resident and writer for Fra Noi, an Italian American publication
Pullman resident Tom Shepherd has the plaque in his possession following its discovery by him and former Roselander Dan Bovino when they were helping to clean out a garage that belonged to Ron Johndrone, who had passed away. Ron had been the last known officer of the club that once was in Roseland, and had been storing the item in his garage for years.
Given the significance of this artifact and its military theme, Mr. Shepherd has made arrangements to donate the plaque to the Italian American Veterans Museum at Casa Italia in Stone Park in time for Veterans Day. "We want to extend a "special invitation" to our vets and their families for when the plaque will be presented to the Italian American Veterans Museum on October 30," said CJ Martello, Pullman resident, and writer for Fra Noi, an Italian American publicationThe plaque will be bestowed to the Museum at a special ceremony at the October 30 Spaghetti-Os Club meeting at Carlo Lorenzetti’s, 560 W. 14th Place, Chicago Heights. The Spaghetti-Os are a Roseland-Pullman reunion group who meet monthly for dinner and to talk old times. "We’re hoping to involve as many descendants as possible of the men listed on the plaque at the ceremony," stated Shepherd.
If you or anyone you know is related to one of these brave men, please let them know about the Oct. 30 dinner ceremony. All are invited!!The dinner ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. with a family-style buffet. The cost for the dinner is $12 per person.Donations to assist the museum in preserving, displaying and maintaining this precious artifact will be accepted at the ceremony. Donations can also be sent directly to the Italian American Veterans Museum, 3800 Division St., Stone Park. IL 60165. All donations are fully tax deductible."Have anyone who knows of survivors, family members or anyone that would like to attend the dinner ceremony contact me," said Tom Shepherd He can be reached at 773-370-3305, or [email protected], or by Facebook Messenger
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Here are the names of the veterans memorialized on the plaque, in alphabetical order:
Guido Alliod, Davis Anastassi, Alessio Anastassi, John Antoniono, John Avignone, Mario Avignone, John Basano, Primo Battian, Alvin Baudino, Merlin Baudino, Aldo Bechaz, John Bercera, Americo Bernardi, Italo Bernardi, Antonio Bersano, Michael Biavia, Leion Biolchini, Robert Biolchini, Louis Bomben, Emil Bonardi, Joseph Borello, Maurice Borello, Arthur Caretti, Edward Caretti, Antoni Caretto, James Caserio, Dominick Castelnuovo, Serio Cavalieri, Charles Cavallo, Dominick Cavallo, Peter Cecilio, Robert Chadel, Lino Chasseur, Anthony Christopher, Lawrence Clarino, Lewis Coda, Battista Cordera, Frank Cozzi, Louis Curoso, Angelo D’Adam, Joseph Dacorte, Leo Dalle Molle, Frank De Bernardi, Bernard De Gasso, Robert De Gasso, David De Marco, Mario Degani, Michael Degani, Raymond Degani, Vincent Degani, Joseph Enrico, John Enrietti, George Favre, Aldo Forte, John Fortina, Angelo Furno, Roy Gaspari, Adolph Gedda, Alfred Gedda, Joseph Ghidotti, Arthur Ghiotto, Norris Ghiotto, Ralph Ghiotto, Marion Gianoglio, Bernard Girote, Richard Grosso, Vincent Guastalli, Al Iandlino, Jack Ippolito, Carmen Lofrano, Ernest Luri, Sam Luri, Barney Macari, Arthur MacDonald, Anthony Maladra, Fedele Mamprisio, Albert Manescalchi, Frank Marino, Robert Marta, Humert Martin, Arnold Martinotti, Henry Martinotti, Joseph Marzari, Steven Massari, John Meinardi, Angelo Mentesti, Floyd Micheluzzi, Lawrence Minelli, Louis Minelli, William Minelli, Frank Monti, Al Montino, Joseph Mottino, Robert Munari, James Mussatto, Carmen Nespeca, Packy Nespeca, John Oglietti, Bill Ossello, James Pafei, Peter Pafei, Peter Paglia, Peter Palango, Angelo Paolino, Jerry Perelli, Bruno Quagliano, Clemente Reginato, Aldo Riccardini, Joseph Richetta, John Roi, Peter Roi, Peter Santacaterina, Andrew Serra, Joseph Stella, Albert Strazzabosco, Gino Strazzabosco, Robert Tabacchi, Gino Tavernaro, Martin Terra, Chester Tomaselli, Joseph Valfre, James Vallortigara, Edward Verna and Michael Vezzetti.