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Arthritis-Friendly Exercises for Seniors

Arthritis-Friendly Exercises for Seniors

Dealing with arthritis is challenging—your joints feel like they’ve had enough, and even small tasks can seem daunting. It’s easy to think that taking it easy is the way to go, but actually, your body craves movement. Regular, gentle exercise can ease your stiff joints and help muscle strength, supporting those achy joints.

It is important to listen to your body and know your limits, but aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. Start slowly and work your way up as your body gets used to being more active and you begin feeling the benefits. Remember that exercising for a few minutes a day and getting your body moving is better than doing nothing.

Talk to your doctor about what kind of exercise program would be best for you, but here are a few arthritis-friendly activities to consider:


You don’t need fancy equipment to start walking. Just a pair of comfortable shoes, and you’re ready to go. Walk around your neighborhood, visit a nearby park, or just stroll around a local mall. Keep a pace that makes you feel good—fast enough to get your heart rate up but comfortable enough to keep going.


Swimming is a superstar for anyone with arthritis. The water supports your body and takes the load off your joints while you get your muscles working. Warm pools can be especially soothing, so consider a few laps or join a water aerobics class if you can find one.


Biking is another fantastic way to stay active without stressing your joints. Whether on a stationary bike at home or enjoying a ride in the park, adjust the settings so you can pedal comfortably without straining your joints.


Yoga helps with flexibility, strength, and balance—all crucial for managing arthritis. The movements are slow and controlled so that you can go at your own pace. To get started, look for classes tailored to seniors or those with mobility issues.


Integrating stretching into your daily routine can help keep stiffness at bay. Whether you prefer standing or sitting, gentle stretches can prepare you for more vigorous activities or help you wind down after a busy day.

Strength Training

Incorporating strength training into your exercise regimen can be a game changer, especially when managing arthritis. This exercise is not just about building bulk; it’s about reinforcing the muscles around your joints, which can significantly alleviate pressure on them. 


Gardening gets you moving in all sorts of good ways for your joints. Digging, planting, and even weeding help you stretch and strengthen muscles while you immerse yourself in the peace of your garden.

Fitting these exercises into your lifestyle not only helps manage arthritis but also boosts your overall health. Remember, moving more means living more, even with arthritis. And if you ever need help figuring out the best approach, a chat with your doctor or a physical therapist can set you on the right path.

Physical activity is just one part of managing and living with arthritis. Working with an in-home caregiver can provide you with support throughout other aspects of your life, enabling you to age in place more safely and comfortably. Contact Always Best Care Shreveport at +1 318-431-8581 to learn more and schedule your free consultation.

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