On Your Feet: Common Foot Problems for Seniors

Think of your feet as the ultimate support team—each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and a network of over 50 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These intricate structures carry you through life’s journeys, but they show signs of wear and tear as you age. Thinning skin, diminished fat pads, and less resilient bones can turn even a tiny stumble into a big ordeal. That’s why giving your feet a little TLC isn’t just nice to have; it’s a must.
Spend a couple of minutes each day checking your feet. It’s a small task that can make a big difference. With a long-handled mirror, take a look at the bottoms of your feet and all around—you might spot something off, like a sore, blister, or swelling. Catching these early means better healing.
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Inspect Your Feet Daily
It’s essential to keep those feet moving. Don’t sit or stand in one spot for too long, as it’s bad for circulation. Mix things up: rotate your ankles, stretch your toes, walk around your home, and elevate your feet when you sit down. A gentle foot massage does wonders, too, helping with circulation and soothing tired muscles.
Move Your Feet
Ingrown toenails are no joke—they hurt and can mess with your mobility. To keep toenails in check, trim them regularly, ideally after a shower, when they’re softer and easier to manage. Watch out for signs like brittleness or discoloration, which could hint at other health issues.
Keep Nails Trimmed
Ingrown toenails can be painful and affect your ability to walk. Trim your nails regularly to keep them from getting too long. Waiting until you’ve showered or bathed can make them easier to cut. Soaking your feet in warm water for a few minutes can help, too. Pay attention to whether your nails are becoming brittle, thickened, or discolored, as these can be signs of other issues.
Use a Moisturizer
Your feet need hydration just like the rest of your body, especially after a shower when your skin absorbs moisture best. Apply a good foot cream to keep your skin from getting dry and cracked. It’s about keeping your feet comfortable and preventing more significant problems down the line.
Wear Good Fitting Shoes
Old, stretched-out shoes won’t do your feet any favors. Your feet can change size as you age, so make sure your shoes fit well—not too tight or loose. Shoes with a solid sole and good traction can prevent many mishaps, like falls.
Be Proactive about Your Foot Health
Don’t brush off changes or pain in your feet. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have so that you can receive proper treatment. An in-home caregiver can help you manage daily foot care, such as applying lotion, trimming your nails, and checking for cuts or sores. They can assist with scheduling doctor appointments, providing transportation, and creating a safer home environment. Contact Always Best Care Shreveport at +1 318-431-8581 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how you can benefit from in-home care.